drömseminarium is a 90-minute performance event featuring nine poems of Nobel Laureate Tomas Tranströmer, in combination with music, dance, and visual imagery. Redefining musical “movements” as interactive vignettes, drömseminarium is a living handbook for modern humans, depicting the struggle to rekindle the imagination in a dull existence illuminating unexpected, playful, invigorating moments. drömseminarium is the creation of an international ensemble of 23 artists, composed by Ellen Lindquist. drömseminarium was created collaboratively, and is designed to be produced and rehearsed collaboratively.  Weaving the voices of the project’s participants, and outreach to the community where it is being performed are major goals of the piece in general beyond the scope of this production. The piece had Tranströmer’s blessing and interest during its development phase.



It has always been natural and stimulating for me to work collaboratively with musicians to develop work — to discover new sounds, fresh interpretations of my musical ideas from excellent performers, and innovative ways to notate my ideas. Drömseminarium is the fullest expression of this collaborative dimension of my work to date in terms of numbers of artists involved and theatrical scope. Six in-depth development workshops for drömseminarium have been held. Throughout, we have used structured improvisation to develop musical, movement and character material, with video-recordings of workshops used to develop the next level of work. The score is fully composed, but includes some windows of structured improvisation. Of the composed material, approximately 5% has been directly transcribed from improvisation, and about 10% is based on improvised moments which I have developed further. The bulk of the score is more abstractly related to the development process; I can best describe it as my interpretation of the ensemble language which evolved in response to each poem.

Ellen Linquist



Minnena ser mig

“En junimorgonå då det är för tidigt at vakna…”

“A June morning when it is too early to wake up…”

Längre In, Clip A

“Den kan förvandla allt
den kan få mörkret att lysa.”

Längre In, Clip B

“It can transform everything
it can make the darkness shine.”


“Jag har examen från glömskans universitet och är lika tomhänt som skjortan på tvättstrecket.”

“I have a degree from the University of Oblivion and am as empty-handed as the shirt on the washing line.”